Waterline Renewal Technologies

Sewer Project Approved for St. Clair Township


The residents of Butler County are looking forward to a new sewer design.  The City has just approved a $2.8 million for funding of a sewer rehabilitation project that began over two years ago.  This initiative is geared towards an approximate 228 residences that are positioned to receive the benefits of this sanitary sewer system.  The funding and grants are being drawn from community development funds.  The immediate plan is to connect at least 100 homeowners with no out of pocket costs, which will be of benefit to those who cannot afford to pay the upfront fees to connect to the sewer line.  The evaluation of cost would be a tax consideration, at a later date.  The best rate was assessed by recommended plumbers that are charging for their services in bulk, which affected the connection fee significantly, reducing the rate favorably.  The city has also agreed to charge only half of the usual tap-in fee as an incentive for connecting to the main line within one year of the new sewer system start up.  The total cost of implementing this sewer plan will be shared by the community at large. Homeowners will be given the option to pay the assessment through their property taxes over a 40-year period, with 2.75 percent interest, which will cost them about $154 annually. The assessment will be paid by all property owners regardless of whether they actually tap into the new system.


Looking for a plumber like the one contracted by Butler County?  Perma-Liner Industries has partnered with the best plumbers in your area to provide you with outstanding service.  We provide only the best referrals for licensed and certified professionals.  Call us or go online to see how we can help.  1-866-336-2568 or www.perma-liner.com