Waterline Renewal Technologies

Pittsburgh’s High Tech Metering Upgrade


The Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) is now providing state of the art Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology throughout the City of Pittsburgh. The innovative AMI system will greatly enhance monthly automated meter reads with a wireless system that collects multiple remote reads per day, allowing for better leak detection, increased billing features and improved customer service. The meter reading device is a gray or beige box located on the outside of your home or business. The device is also known as Automated Meter Readers (AMR). This device will retrieve and send consumption data directly from your meter throughout the day.   The current metering device attached to your home or business has reached its useful life cycle. The new advanced meter reading device will ensure continuous billing accuracy, provide leak detection services and help customers learn about conservation strategies. Most importantly, this project includes a web based reporting system that will allow customers access to their daily consumption data to check usage and set alerts for high consumption. Customers will be able to manage their consumption data and receive alerts anywhere in the world.

The project includes replacing about 78,000 residential and commercial meter reading devices with new technologically advanced meter reading devices that can better communicate usage data via wireless technology directly to PWSA.  All meters in PWSA’s water utility service area, including domestic water, irrigation and reclaimed water, will be read using the advanced metering reading system.  The system works via wireless signals sent from a small radio unit inside the meter box that is connected to the water meter. The meter radio unit sends readings to regional collector units that then transmit the meter reading data to receivers installed on PWSA’s infrastructure.  The meter reading device will be installed free of charge. There is no capital investment to complete this project.
